This is for all those Amarok 1.4 fans out there, who miss it, and are stuck with Amarok 2.x in (K)Ubuntu Jaunty.  A few days ago, I was reading a discussion on Reddit, about the general frustration of users with Amarok 2.x, and I came across this jewel.

A noble soul has taken the efforts to package the Amarok 1.4 sources for Jaunty, and put them up at his Launchpad PPA Archives.   The instructions to add a PPA can be found very easily on Launchpad, but here they are, just for your reference:

  • Add the repository to your sources list.  You can do this by two methods:

  • Add the following line to your apt sources list from a text editor:
  • OR, Add each of the above lines individually to the ‘Third Party Software’ in System > Administration > Software Sources, or Settings > Repositories in Synaptic

  • Add the GPG key used to sign the package to your apt. sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys AE74AE63
  • Update your package list, and install the amarok14 package.  It’ll automatically uninstall any amarok2.* packages installed on your system.